DOLCEmente RINASCImentalmente

DOLCEmente RINASCImentalmente is a visionary art project by Marina Calamai that blends historical inspiration with contemporary creativity. Rooted in the grandeur of Renaissance banquets, the series explores the cultural significance of food—particularly cakes—as symbols of celebration, innovation, and human connection. Through evocative paintings, sculptures, and multimedia elements, the project reimagines Renaissance flavors and traditions, intertwining art, science, and history. Sweet Renaissance invites viewers on a sensory journey where the past meets the future, honoring both artistic craftsmanship and the evolution of culinary heritage.

16-14 October 2008,
Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Firenze
In collaboration with L’Associazione Culturale L’Albero Celeste

Mille sublimi torte dolcemente e rinascimentalmente sublimate

Oil on canvas, framed with resin-coated biscuits, 65x93cm, 2008.

Gelato lamponi e arance

“Deliziosa modifica al sorbetto architettata dal Buontalenti, contornata da crudité di frutta tanto care a Caterina dè Medici”
Oil on canvas, framed with resin-coated biscuits, 49x68cm, 2008.

Trionfo di frutti di bosco addiacciati

“appena tolti dalla diacciaia”
Oil on canvas, framed with resin-coated biscuits, 72x95cm, 2008.

Bellissima torta di frutta secca

“… e canditi luminosi come fossero pietre preziose”
Oil on canvas, framed with resin-coated biscuits, 69x92cm, 2008.

Ciambelline, zeppole con acqua di rose, frittelle piene di vento, cialdoni di cui canta Lorenzo il Magnifico e ciliegie confette

Ordinarie dolcezze di straordinaria bellezza
Oil on canvas, framed with resin-coated biscuits, 49x68cm, 2008.

Torta “de cerase e rose roscie”

Oil on canvas, framed with resin-coated biscuits, 72x95cm, 2008.

Ongaresca medicea

“quasi fosse una fotezza”
Oil on canvas, framed with resin-coated biscuits, 69x92cm, 2008.

Chi vuol esser lieto sia

Sound & Olfactory Installation
⌀ 205 cm x 200 cm, iron, resins, canvas, thermal materials.

Chi vuole esser lieto sia

Chi vuol esser lieto sia


Chi vuol esser lieto sia


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